Monday, 23 April 2012

Fashion Outcast The Disabled People.

In our previous articles you may have read how we promoted the need to maintain heritage companies, ethical awareness in business practises and even to an extent promoting the arts in Africa, now we hope to increase a bit of knowledge and awareness of physically challenged models.

What had leaded us to writing this article is that we are intending to hire a female model as part of our advertising campaign and to be part of frontpose fashion retailer. Having gone through the norms and rituals of finding a model we all concluded and came to the notion that only a limited (to be more frank it’s an insignificant number) modelling agencies promoted or even had physically challenged models as part of their portfolio.

We feel that this is a great shame and should be one of our prime goals to raise the awareness of this issue in the modelling world. When agencies tend not to have models with disability or even plus size models as part of their portfolio it creates an image that these people are not accepted in an industry that is worth billions, but to be more clear it creates an image that they are not considered page worthy or beautiful (when in truth they are).
This issue actually struck us quite closely to home, having had family members with disabilities and only finding hand full of models with disabilities it says quite a lot that even in this modern social world “disability” is still not accepted to the extent that it should.

We hope and pledge that one day (and hope that the day comes soon) to hire a model as part of our advertising campaign that is radiant, kind-hearted, stunning in nature and hope to see these features instead of just noticing their physical and mental disabilities.

p.s. we hope that this article is not considered patronizing (it is just we were a bit annoyed and had to vent in writing on this matter)

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