Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Chosen Six for Londons: Men’s Only Fashion Week

Dalton, Sibling, Raeburn, Rose, Miller & Bunney
will showcase their collections at Mens Fashion Week.
London’s first “Men’s Only Fashion Week” is only a few weeks away and it seems that the British fashion industry have scheduled those dates in their mind, Blackberry, Iphone and their Filofax (it’s a hotly anticipated affair).

With this amount of publicity surrounding the menswear industry in the Britain, the British Fashion Council announced their S/S13 Newgen Award which in effect means the recipient of these awards are the selected designers to represent their works during the fashion week. The selected six will receive mentoring and support to showcase their latest collections at the maiden London Collections: Men 15th – 17th June 2012.

The Chosen 6:

Lou Dalton : Lou studied at the Royal College of Art. She has previously worked for Hamish Morrow, Stone Island, Crucianni Knitwear and Charlie Allen.
Design signature: “Rebellious English sportswear with a strong attention to detail.”

Sibling: Design trio Sid Bryan, Joe Bates and Cozette McCreery comprise “Sibling.” The trio bring with them a strong scale of experience as they have previously worked with a number of top name designers.
Design signature: “Colourful, well-made, luxury knitwear for a man bored with the grey V-neck option.” And not forgetting the shake-up of luxury wer with cartoon ka-pows of colour and bams of very English humour.

Christopher Raeburn: Graduated from the Royal College of Art, mainly freelanced as a pattern cutter before setting up his own studio.
Design signature: “Innovative, functional and fun.”

Martine Rose: Martine Rose was a co-founder member of highly-acclaimed fashion label LMNOP. Their collections were also sold internationally mainly to Japan and London.
Design signature: Tailored garments made with textiles that offer you a grand-demure with bold colour statements.

Matthew Miller: Like Raeburn Miller also studied at the Royal College of Art. Before setting up his own label, he worked on design projects with Umbro and Brioni.
Design signature: “formed from an investigation into the technological versus the traditional; performance fabrics, tailoring and sportswear detailing form the basis of the Mr. Matthew Miller look.”

Andrew Bunney: Originally worked for a vintage clothing company as a buying specialist and then worked for many other companies specialising as a designer or a design consultant.
Design signature: “A juggle between making something that is simple and understandable, with something that is special enough to have a new or fresh character.”

Our note: We at frontpose can’t wait to see these collection, it’s going to be great. We feel that this event  that is specifically catered towards just menswear industry is well awaited for, to tell you the truth we felt that it was about time that the B.F.C. thought to introduce such a event, when you think about it the mens fashion industry is worth billions, Britain needed to acknowledge that these menswear designers need an outlet to also advertise there work.­­­

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